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Participation of Dynseo in the blue week

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BLUE WEEK: Week of National Pensioners and Senior Citizens


On October 17, 2013, DYNSEO took part in the meeting between start- ups, professionals and citizens organized during the Blue Week on the theme of Silver Economy. The Silver Economy aims at structuring the market for products and services for seniors.

The meeting was set up by the E -Seniors association who defends the e- inclusion of elderlies and disabled . Several innovations in digital technology have been presented from 14h to 18h in the Salle des Fêtes de la Mairie of the 11th District of Paris .

Two speeches were held: Ms.Monique Epstein , founder and director of the E -seniors association and Ms.Liliane Capelle , Deputy Mayor of Paris responsible for seniors and intergenerational link.

14 innovative companies were presented orally with large screen and each has received professionals and citizens at its booth from 16h to 18h .