The benefits of having a Specialized Alzheimer’s Teams intervention at home

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Alzheimer’s disease is a common disease, especially among the elderly. It is fair to say that their daily lives are quite different from those of normal people. Therefore, measures will have to be taken according to the seriousness of the situation in which the person finds themself. In particular, a Specialized Alzheimer‘s Team or home care team can be called in to help the patient who is still in the mild stage to recover and cope with daily life. In fact, people who are ill can receive treatment at home with the help of a SAT.




Alzheimer’s is a disease that disrupts the daily life of the patient but also of their loved ones, especially those who live with them. The Specialized Alzheimer’s Team will help to improve the condition of patients who are still at the early stage of the disease.


  • Helping people get on with their lives

It is not always easy to live with an illness, especially when it has a major impact on daily life. To help patients stay independent, the specialized Alzheimer’s team will accost them by asking them to do exercises. This will help them to stimulate their memory abilities so that it doesn’t worsen to a critical stage.


  • Helping patients to control themselves

Behavioral disturbance is one of the signs that a person has Alzheimer’s disease besides memory loss. It shows up as an occasional mood swings. It is also the job of the specialized Alzheimer team to make sure that the person with Alzheimer’s disease shows less of this sign by giving them occupational therapy.


  • Helping and supporting those close to the patient

The existence of the specialized Alzheimer’s team makes life easier for the patient’s family. Indeed, it is not easy to manage a patient, especially when she has Alzheimer’s disease. The Specialized Alzheimer’s Team can replace you when you need to go shopping or work. In this case, an Alzheimer’s patient should not be left alone in the house, as they could do anything or injure themselves.



  • Have a prescription or a medical prescription

Before being able to intervene, the patient must have a medical prescription that proves that he is affected by  Alzheimer’s disease. The latter is issued either by a treating doctor or by a specialist who works in a private practice or a simple memory consultation.


  • Who does the intervention?

Usually, a specialized Alzheimer’s team is made up of the following people:


  • Psychomotricians,
  • Occupational therapists,
  • Gerontological care assistants.


It should be noted that these people have undergone professional training in order to be able to help patients cope with the disease. The team is supervised either by a nurse coordinator, a psychomotor therapist or an occupational therapist.




  • Home assessment

First of all, an occupational therapist or psychomotor therapist comes to diagnose the patient’s ability to do things without help. Based on this, the examiner will set goals for the patient to achieve such as getting dressed, showering, preparing food … Then, the therapist will give a program to be followed by the patient to help them repeat their habits and find pleasure in what they undertake. Then, the care assistant in gerontology will take over. It is he who will follow up on the program set up by the first responders. At the end of the programme, the specialised Alzheimer’s team will give a report on the evolution of the patient’s condition, which he will communicate to the doctor.


  • The duration of the specialized Alzheimer’s team’s intervention

The Specialized Alzheimer’s Team is doing an intervention for about three months. Sessions are spread over this period with a frequency of 12 to 15 sessions per year. It is possible to renew the prescription after one year.


  • The cost of Specialized Alzheimer’s Team intervention

The Specialized Alzheimer’s Team is a team attached to the home nursing service. If you have a patient at home, you can consult the SSID directory of the portal to find a Specialized Alzheimer’s Team. And the cost of the intervention of an SAT at home is fully covered by Health Insurance.


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