The impact of AMD on daily life: understanding, managing and living with it

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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common eye condition, especially in the elderly, and is one of the main causes of vision loss. This disease affects the macula, the central part of the retina which is crucial for detailed vision. The impact of AMD on daily life can be profound, affecting essential activities such as reading, face recognition and other visual tasks.



Understanding AMD

Explanation of AMD and its different types

AMD comes in many forms, from dry to wet. Understanding the nuances between these types is essential for assessing their impact on daily life. Early detection of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) plays a crucial role in the management of this disease. Opticians play a central role in this screening process. During a routine eye examination, opticians can spot early signs of AMD by examining the retina and assessing the macula. Specialized tests, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT), allow detailed visualization of the retinal layers, helping to detect changes associated with AMD. In addition, opticians can assess the patient’s central and peripheral vision, providing important clues as to the presence of AMD-related symptoms. By identifying these signs at an early stage, opticians contribute to early intervention and the implementation of preventive measures, improving the prospects for management and quality of life for people with AMD. If you have any doubts, you can talk to a network of low vision opticians and make an appointment with your ophthalmologist for a complete check-up.

Risk Factors

The onset of AMD is associated with various risk factors, including :

  • Advanced age
  • Genetic inheritance
  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun
  • A family history of AMD

Knowledge of these factors helps us to better understand the disease and to implement preventive measures.


Impact on vision and daily life

Impact on central vision

By affecting the macula, AMD directly compromises central vision, which is crucial for activities such as reading, driving and detail recognition. Deterioration of central vision can lead to significant difficulties in performing everyday tasks that require high visual acuity.

Impact on peripheral vision

Although AMD is mainly associated with alterations in central vision, it can also have effects on peripheral vision. This impairment can make it difficult to get around, and contribute to a feeling of insecurity during daily activities.

Overall impact on quality of life

The combination of central and peripheral vision deterioration has an overall impact on quality of life. People with AMD may find it difficult to maintain their independence, participate in social activities and retain functional autonomy.

Understanding these consequences is crucial to developing strategies to mitigate the challenges associated with AMD and improve the quality of life of those affected. In the next section, we’ll explore the psychological impact of AMD and the different ways in which individuals can adapt emotionally to this condition.



The psychological impact of AMD

Emotional impact on people with AMD

AMD, by affecting vision, has significant emotional consequences for sufferers. Vision loss can trigger a variety of emotions, such as frustration, fear and sometimes depression. Understanding these emotional repercussions is essential to providing appropriate support.

Psychological adaptation to vision loss

Faced with the reality of vision loss due to AMD, individuals must undertake a process of psychological adaptation. This often means re-evaluating goals, expectations and ways of maintaining a rewarding life despite visual challenges. Exploring these coping mechanisms can provide valuable insights to support people with AMD.

The importance of psychological support and available resources

Psychological support plays a crucial role in managing AMD. Mental health professionals and support groups can provide a space where individuals can express their concerns, share experiences and learn strategies for coping with emotional challenges. In addition, educational and information resources can help reinforce understanding of the disease, thus contributing to better psychological adaptation.



Changes in Daily Life

Mobility and navigation difficulties

AMD can pose significant challenges to mobility and navigation. Reduced central vision can make moving around more complex, increasing the risk of falls and limiting the ability to move around independently. This section will explore the specific difficulties encountered by individuals with AMD when it comes to getting around in their environment.

Consequences for personal independence

Because of changes in vision, AMD can have a direct impact on personal independence. Daily activities such as meal preparation, personal hygiene and managing household chores can become more complex. We will examine how AMD can influence personal autonomy and strategies for maintaining a high level of independence despite these challenges.

Adaptations needed in the home and workplace

Managing AMD often involves adjustments to the living and working environment. This section will look at the changes needed in domestic spaces to make everyday life more accessible. In addition, we’ll look at possible occupational adaptations, highlighting the importance of ergonomic adjustments to encourage active participation at work despite AMD.


Coping strategies for people with AMD

Assistive devices and technologies to make daily life easier

Technological advances offer a range of solutions to make daily life easier for people with AMD. This section will examine the assistive devices available, such as electronic magnifiers, voice-reading applications and innovative visual aids, which can greatly improve the independence and quality of life of individuals with AMD.

Training in the use of visual aids

Although assistive devices can be invaluable allies, their effective use requires appropriate training. This section will look at the importance of training in the use of visual aids, highlighting educational programs and resources available to help people with AMD maximize the benefits of these technologies.

The importance of education and awareness-raising for those around you

AMD affects not only the individuals affected, but also those around them. This section explores the crucial role of education and awareness for family, friends and colleagues. With a better understanding of AMD, those around us can provide more effective support and help create an environment conducive to adaptation and daily life for people with this disease.

AMD medical management and follow-up

Medical and surgical treatment of AMD

The management of AMD involves a variety of approaches, including medical and surgical treatments. This section will examine available treatment options, such as anti-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) drugs and surgical interventions, aimed at slowing disease progression and improving quality of life for people with AMD.

The importance of regular medical check-ups

Regular medical follow-up is essential to monitor the evolution of AMD and adjust the treatment plan accordingly. We’ll explore the importance of regular medical follow-up, highlighting its role in early detection of ocular changes, symptom management and optimization of therapeutic interventions.

New advances in AMD research

AMD research is constantly evolving, paving the way for new therapeutic advances. This section will look at recent developments in our understanding of the disease, highlighting the latest treatment discoveries and promising avenues for the future. Research continues to play a key role in improving AMD management options.



Future prospects for improving the quality of life of people affected by the disease

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a complex condition that requires a holistic approach to improve the quality of life of affected individuals. As research progresses and new knowledge emerges, future prospects for improving the quality of life of people with AMD continue to develop.

Research and development of new therapies

Constant advances in research are opening up new opportunities for the development of more targeted and effective therapies. Innovative treatments to slow AMD progression and restore visual function are being actively explored, promising more optimal options for patients in the future.

Integrating technology into day-to-day management

Rapidly evolving technology offers unprecedented opportunities to improve the daily lives of people with AMD. More sophisticated assistive devices, innovative apps and augmented reality tools can play a central role in empowering individuals, facilitating navigation, reading and other essential activities.

Strengthening education and awareness programs

Investing in more extensive education and awareness programs will help increase understanding of AMD in the community. This includes not only raising awareness among the general public, but also training healthcare professionals, teachers and employers to foster a supportive environment for people with AMD.

Improved psychological support

Improved psychological support services, including counseling programs and support groups, are essential to help individuals cope with the emotional challenges of AMD. Strengthening access to these resources will help promote better psychological adaptation and improved quality of life.

All in all, future prospects for improving the quality of life of people affected by AMD are promising. By combining scientific advances, technological innovations and an ongoing commitment to education and awareness, it is possible to offer a brighter future to people living with this condition.



Tips for supporting a loved one with AMD

Discovering that a loved one has Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) can be a difficult time for both the person concerned and those around them. Here are some tips on how to best support a loved one facing this condition:

1. Encourage open communication

Foster an environment where your loved one feels comfortable sharing his or her emotions and concerns. AMD can have emotional repercussions, and open communication can make it easier to express feelings and seek support.

2. Get informed about AMD

Take the time to learn about AMD, understand the symptoms, treatments and adjustments needed in daily life. A thorough understanding of the disease will enable you to better support your loved one and meet their specific needs.

3. Accompany you on medical consultations

Accompanying your loved one to medical appointments reinforces emotional support and makes it easier to understand the information provided by healthcare professionals. Ask questions, write down recommendations and make sure your loved one understands his or her treatment plan.

4. Explore assistive technologies

Investigate the different assistive technologies available to make your loved one’s daily life easier. This can include electronic magnifiers, voice-reading applications and other innovative devices that enhance visual independence.

5. Adapt the home environment

Identify the adjustments needed in the home environment to make daily life more accessible. This can involve changes such as improving lighting, using high contrasts, and simplifying furniture layouts.

6. Encourage participation in support groups

Support groups offer a platform for sharing experiences, getting practical advice and making connections with other people dealing with AMD. Encourage your loved one to participate in these groups for social and emotional support.

7. Promote a balanced diet

Certain nutrients, such as antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, are linked to eye health. Encourage a balanced diet rich in these nutrients to support overall eye health.

8. Continue to stimulate your Porsche with the Scarlett games app

Keep your loved one involved by encouraging their participation in stimulating activities. The SCARLETT senior play program offers a variety of adapted, playful games specially designed to promote cognition and well-being. These games can help maintain positive mental activity despite the challenges of AMD, which is very important for the person concerned, enabling them to maintain a link with the outside world and escape, for the time being, from the difficulties of everyday life. Contrasts and colors have been chosen to enable people with AMD to continue playing, either alone or with their caregiver, thanks to very clean inerfaces, large buttons and rectangles.


Scarlett, your memory coach

Scarlett is an application with over 30 cognitive games to work on all cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, language and logic. With three levels of difficulty, everyone can train at their own pace, without being put off.

Games are cultural, so as you play, you’ll revisit memories of your life, your experiences and your youth. All thanks to fun games such as music, recipes, history, general knowledge…

Using memories is the most effective way of working on memory, as well as the most motivating.

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