Top 9 activity ideas to do with your residents

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Our team’s Top 9 for innovative activities to do with your residents



1. Giant fresco coloring workshop



Offer your residents a collaborative coloring workshop, thanks to a large mural that you can buy or simply print.

The benefits of coloring are multiple, it activates the brain circuit of pleasure and boosts confidence in one’s own creative abilities. Moreover, it does not necessarily require advanced knowledge of drawing and it reduces stress in a simple and fun way.



2. General knowledge test with Scarlett

Scarlett is a program on tablet with more than 25 memory games, which can be used both collectively and individually.

In particular, you will find a general culture test adapted to the senior target group, enough to make the brains of your beloved residents work!

All you have to do is plug the tablet into the big screen and off you go, your animation is already ready.



3. Giant Belote Tournament

Are your residents card game pros? Belote? Why not even wedged? Don’t wait any longer and organize them the most exciting tournament of the year!

If you have time, you can make a giant scoreboard with the team names, and even prepare medals for the winning team.

With a little less time, you can manage the tournament from an online application without having to download any software. Indeed, the Tournikoti application offers you this possibility, and registration is free.


4. Spelling Bee



What if you organized a spelling bee?

To do this, simply print out a list of words (you can find them online.), cut them out and put them in a bowl or hat, and pass it around to the residents.

When a resident draws a word, he must spell it out loud, if he makes a mistake, he is out, if he passes, he is qualified for the next round!



5. Laughter Yoga Session


Technically, Laughter Yoga is a judicious combination of laughter for no reason that promotes deep breathing. Anyone can laugh without resorting to humor or jokes.

Favour a simple laugh, initially approached as a physical exercise, in a group and which will quickly turn into a real and contagious laugh. The concept is based on a scientific fact demonstrated by the neurosciences “the body does not make the difference between a spontaneous laugh and a simulated laugh”. You even get far superior physiological and psychological benefits!



6. Exquisite corpse

You only have a piece of paper and a workshop to prepare? Organize an exquisite corpse!

The game principle is as follows: each participant writes in turn a part of a sentence, in subject-verb-complete order, without knowing what the previous one wrote.

You’ll be surprised and amused to read what your residents have written!



7. Terrarium workshop


An original floral desire? Make terrariums!

This animation helps to stimulate the creativity of the participants, to create cohesion and a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

From the choice of the vase, to the placement of the soil and plants, through the decoration using the materials provided (stones, moss, shells, sand …), the terrariums will no longer have any secrets for your residents, and moreover, they can even keep it as a souvenir!



8. Time’s up


What could be more classic than Time is up! 2 possibilities, you can buy the game or you can create it yourself and simplify the rules.

You divide your residents into two teams, and you must write three words per person.

The process :

A game is played in 2 roundsDuring
its turn, a team has 2 minutes to guess the maximum of personalitiesThe
speaker tries to make his teammates guess the personalities.

The sleeves :

First round: The speaker speaks freely and gives as many words as possible to make people guess.
Round Two: The speaker can only say one word per personality.

At the end of the 2 rounds, the team with the most points wins the game.



9. Never Have I Ever


I Have (also known as Never Have I Ever) is a popular ambience game.

There is no minimum number of players for this game, however it works best with a group of 4 or more people. Participants are usually seated in a circle.

The first player (often referred to arbitrarily) says a sentence beginning with “Never have I ever”, and recounts an act he supposedly never performed. All participants who have already performed the act in question must then clap their hands, including the person who spoke.

The objective: to make people discover things about themselves and others. When a statement is surprising, it is common to ask for details from the person(s) who clapped their hands. This is an opportunity for each player to tell a small anecdote and to recall good memories!

        COCO THINKS and COCO MOVES            COCO , is a program of adapted games for children.


    CLINT , is a program of adapted games for adults. 


SCARLETT, is a program of adapted games for seniors.