5 ways to make brain training a new habit

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You want your brain training to be part of your routine but you don’t know how to? No worries, we are here to give you some tips for your training to become a daily thing.


Set realistic goals

When you decide to stimulate your memory, it is very important to set specific goals for yourself. However, you have to remember that these goals must be realistic. The end goal is to challenge yourself, NOT to make you feel frustrated. By setting realistic goals, you set yourself up for something you can accomplish. Of course, if the day comes and you haven’t reached the goal you wanted to, it is always possible to reevaluate and set new goals.
The best way to have results is to go at your own pace, and step-by-step!


Have a daily routine

When you start your brain training, all we can ask you to do is to plan it daily and create a routine.
Your brain needs to have healthy habits, THAT is a fact. Which is why you have to make time during the day for a moment where all you will be doing is your brain exercises: have a time and a duration ready. Once you know when and where, make it a daily or weekly event, depending on what you need and want.


Don’t be too hard on yourself

We all want to succeed on the first try, but it is important to say that you cannot be too demanding. Once again, the goal isn’t to make you feel frustrated but simply to allow you to improve your memory in the best conditions. So do not be too hard on yourself: find a balance when doing your mental training. Some exercises may be easier or harder depending on the day, on the time, on the person… just do your best.


Rise and shine

We all heard the famous saying “early birds catch the worms”, and that one is true. The sooner you get up, the more chances you have of having a full and productive day ahead. So of course, if you want your brain training to work, waking up early is the way to go.


Train at your own pace

The last advice, but not the least, would simply be to do your training at your own pace. It is a given, but do not get ahead of yourself. You really have to do it step by step: do not rush thinking you will be over sooner, because if you do, you probably will not reach the goals you wanted to.

To train your brain at your own pace, you can use our CLINT app which includes multiple exercises adapted to all and for all levels.


CLINT, your brain coach

Your brain training program, with more than 30 games to stimulate your brain and your cognitive functions.

Each game includes 3 levels of difficulty to adapt the exercises to your abilities and interests.

You can also track your performance within the application with game data to challenge yourself to go further.

As you can see, it is perfectly possible to train your brain. If you want to do this on a daily basis, it’s really important to take into account the five tips we’ve given you in this article!

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