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How do you set up the home of a person with Alzheimer’s disease?

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Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive form of dementia, can have a profound impact on the daily lives of sufferers. The design of the home environment plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals faced with this devastating disease. This article explores best practices for adapting the home of a person with Alzheimer’s disease, focusing on practical and effective solutions.

The importance of home design

Before going into the details of the specific layout, it’s essential to understand the importance of creating a suitable environment. The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, such as memory loss, confusion and impaired orientation, require adjustments in the home to minimize risks and facilitate daily life. By collaborating with healthcare professionals and taking into account the specific needs of each individual, it becomes possible to create a living environment that promotes safety and comfort, while preserving a sense of normalcy and familiarity.

Understanding specific needs


In-depth analysis of symptoms and disease-related challenges

When designing a home for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, it’s imperative to conduct a thorough analysis of the specific symptoms and challenges inherent in this delicate condition. Progressive memory loss, temporal and spatial disorientation, impaired visual perception, behavioral changes and communication difficulties are just some of the complex challenges faced by people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Memory loss

Memory loss is one of the most predominant symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Individuals may have difficulty recalling recent information or recognizing familiar faces. This creates an urgent need to design the environment in such a way as to compensate for this deficiency, using visual aids and strategic reminders.

Temporal and spatial disorientation

Alzheimer’s sufferers may also have difficulty understanding the passage of time and orienting themselves in space. This can lead to frequent confusion about the time of day, the location of certain rooms in the house, or even the distinction between home and away. Adjustments such as easy-to-read clocks and visual cues are needed to alleviate these problems.



Temporal and spatial disorientation

Alzheimer’s sufferers may also have difficulty understanding the passage of time and orienting themselves in space. This can lead to frequent confusion about the time of day, the location of certain rooms in the house, or even the distinction between home and away. Adjustments such as easy-to-read clocks and visual cues are needed to alleviate these problems.

Behavioral changes

Alzheimer’s disease can also cause behavioral changes, such as agitation, irritability or distrust of others. These emotional variations can influence the way a person interacts with their environment. Consequently, the design of the space must take these emotional aspects into account to create a soothing and secure environment.


Visual perception disorders

Impaired visual perception can aggravate confusion and the risk of falling. Changes in the way people with Alzheimer’s perceive their environment can make steps, objects or shadowy areas potentially dangerous. Adaptations such as adequate lighting and the reduction of visual obstacles help to minimize these risks.

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Communication difficulties

Communication disorders, whether they manifest themselves in difficulty finding the right words or an inability to understand language, make adaptations in the home essential. Visual cues, clear labels and a non-verbal communication approach can help facilitate mutual understanding between people with Alzheimer’s and their loved ones.

By fully understanding these challenges, home design can be geared to offer targeted support, encouraging independence while ensuring a safe, adapted environment.



Consultation with healthcare professionals

Close collaboration with healthcare professionals, such as occupational therapists and doctors specializing in geriatrics, is essential to the success of the design. These experts can provide valuable information on the patient’s residual capacities and offer personalized advice. Their expertise helps create an environment that fosters independence while minimizing potential obstacles. Regular communication with medical staff also ensures that the layout is continually adapted to the evolution of the disease.


Safety first

In-depth assessment of potential risks in the home

Safety remains a central concern when it comes to designing a space for a person with Alzheimer’s disease. A thorough assessment of potential risks in the home environment is imperative. This proactive analysis involves careful identification of at-risk areas, including staircases, bathrooms and living spaces. This assessment leads to the implementation of appropriate preventive measures, aimed at creating a safe environment that encourages autonomy.

Identifying risk areas

The risk analysis begins with a detailed identification of the areas of the house presenting potential hazards. Staircases are often a source of concern and require special attention, as do bathrooms, where the risk of slipping is increased. Living spaces, though familiar, can also present obstacles that require proactive intervention.

Implementation of preventive measures

Once the risk zones have been identified, the implementation of preventive measures becomes crucial. This includes installing sturdy handrails near staircases, adding grab bars in bathrooms to make moving around easier, and using non-slip coverings where necessary. These adaptations are designed to minimize the risk of falls and promote a safe and secure environment.

Specific adaptations to prevent falls and accidents

Falls remain one of the major safety concerns for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Specific adaptations must therefore be incorporated into the home’s design to prevent these undesirable incidents.

Installation of ramps and handrails

In multi-storey homes, the installation of sturdy handrails and handrails along staircases offers crucial support for the person with Alzheimer’s disease. This facilitates travel by reducing the risk of falls and providing constant assistance.

Non-slip surfaces and adequate lighting

Non-slip coatings on slippery surfaces, such as bathroom floors, are essential. What’s more, adequate lighting throughout the home helps to minimize shadows and improve visibility, thus reducing the risk of accidents. You can discover the floors of Plancher Newlook, which offers parquet restoration services in Mascouche, planter finishing and wood staircases.


Reduce unnecessary obstacles

Reducing unnecessary obstacles in living spaces also helps prevent falls. By eliminating the superfluous, the space becomes easier to navigate, offering the person with Alzheimer’s a safer, more controllable environment.

By implementing these specific adaptations, home design becomes a proactive means of ensuring the safety and well-being of the person with Alzheimer’s, while offering peace of mind to family members and caregivers.



Creating a familiar environment

Use of visual cues and recognition signs

Creating a familiar environment is essential for the emotional and mental well-being of people with Alzheimer’s disease. The judicious use of visual cues and recognition signs helps to reduce confusion and promote a sense of security.

Visual cues in common areas

Incorporating visual cues into common areas of the home is crucial. This can include family photos, memory boards with key events, or even simple labels to identify rooms. These visual elements help create a familiar atmosphere, stimulating memory and providing contextual clues.

Use of personal signs of recognition

In addition to visual cues, the introduction of personal signs of recognition reinforces the feeling of familiarity. Significant objects, such as furniture or decorations to which the person is attached, serve as tangible reminders of their past. These elements help maintain an emotional bond with the environment.

Logical organization of spaces to minimize confusion

The logical organization of spaces is a key element in minimizing confusion for people with Alzheimer’s disease. A clear, coherent layout of rooms and furniture facilitates navigation and reduces the risk of disorientation.

Rationalization of living spaces

Streamlining living spaces by avoiding complex layouts and limiting the number of pieces of furniture helps create a more comprehensible environment. Uncluttered, well-lit rooms promote easy circulation, reducing the stress associated with searching for objects or navigating around the house.

Logical organization of everyday objects

The logical organization of everyday objects, such as dishes, clothes and toiletries, simplifies daily activities. Placing frequently used items in accessible locations promotes independence and reduces the frustration of searching for essential items.

By creating a familiar, well-organized environment, home design for a person with Alzheimer’s disease helps maintain a sense of normalcy and comfort. These adjustments not only promote daily independence, but also strengthen the emotional bond between the person and their home.




Space simplification

Fewer objects and furniture

Simplifying space is a crucial approach to home design for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Reducing the number of objects and furniture helps to minimize confusion and create an easier-to-navigate environment.

Disposal of non-essential items

A first step is to eliminate non-essential objects that can add to the complexity of the space. This can include bulky knick-knacks, superfluous furniture or unnecessary decorations. Visual simplicity facilitates concentration and reduces the risk of over-stimulation.

Prioritizing significant objects

In the reduction process, it is important to prioritize objects that are meaningful to the person with Alzheimer’s disease. Items that evoke positive memories or have emotional value should be preserved. This intentional selection helps maintain links with the past and create a more personalized environment.

Soothing colors and simple textures

The choice of soothing colors and simple textures is a crucial aspect of simplifying the space. A palette of soft, consistent colors and simple textures promotes a calm, welcoming ambience, creating an environment conducive to well-being.

Colors to create a serene atmosphere

Colors influence mood and behavior. Opting for soothing tones such as blue, green or beige can create a serene atmosphere. Avoiding strong contrasts and favoring a consistent color palette throughout the home offers a more pleasant visual experience.

Simple textures to reduce overstimulation

Simple textures, whether for floor coverings, furniture or textiles, help reduce sensory overstimulation. Smooth surfaces and soft fabrics promote comfort while minimizing visual and tactile distractions.

By simplifying the space through the reduction of objects, the choice of soothing colors and simple textures, the layout of the home becomes more adapted to the needs of people with Alzheimer’s disease. These adjustments promote a harmonious environment, reduce potential sources of confusion and improve everyday quality of life.



Creating functional zones

Creating a comfortable rest area

Creating functional zones adapted to the needs of people with Alzheimer’s disease is a crucial step in home design. To promote rest and well-being, particular attention must be paid to providing a comfortable rest area.

Choice of ergonomic furniture

The layout of the rest area should give priority to ergonomic, comfortable furniture. Armchairs with good lumbar support, soft cushions and light blankets help create a space conducive to relaxation. We also recommend avoiding bulky furniture that could impede circulation.

Use of soothing textiles

The textiles used in the sleeping area play an essential role in overall comfort. Soft-touch fabrics such as cotton or velvet can create a warm ambience. Opting for simple rather than complex patterns helps avoid visual overstimulation.

Organization of an adapted and secure kitchen

The kitchen is another key area that requires special attention in the layout. An adapted, secure kitchen enables people with Alzheimer’s to maintain a certain degree of autonomy in their daily activities.

Accessibility of utensils and foodstuffs

Organizing the kitchen so that utensils and food are easily accessible is essential. Placing frequently-used objects at an accessible height avoids unnecessary demands on memory, and promotes independence.

Securing household appliances

Appliances present potential risks, and it’s important to keep them safe. Locking devices on ovens, hobs and refrigerators can prevent accidents. The use of easy-to-handle devices, with large, clearly labeled buttons, also makes them easier to use.

By creating specific functional zones, including a comfortable resting area and an adapted kitchen, the home’s design aims to support the autonomy and well-being of people with Alzheimer’s disease. These targeted adjustments help make everyday activities more accessible and safer.





Using technology to make daily life easier




Integration of intelligent safety devices

The integration of intelligent safety devices represents a significant step forward in home design for people with Alzheimer’s disease. These technologies offer unobtrusive surveillance and enhanced security.

Remote monitoring systems

Remote monitoring systems enable relatives and caregivers to discreetly monitor activity in the home. Connected cameras with night vision capabilities offer peace of mind through non-intrusive surveillance.

Motion and safety sensors

Motion and security sensors can be strategically installed to detect movement and unusual activity. These devices can trigger alerts in the event of potentially dangerous situations, such as an unplanned night out.


Applications and technological aids for memory and routine

Applications and technological aids play a crucial role in supporting the memory and daily routine of people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Reminder and organization applications

Specially designed applications can send visual or audible reminders to help you stick to your daily routine. These digital tools can include to-do lists, medication reminders and instructions for daily activities.

Voice assistance devices

Voice assistance devices, such as smart speakers, can be programmed to provide useful information and verbal reminders. They offer assistance in managing day-to-day tasks while encouraging independence.


Games for the elderly

Memory training is crucial to prolonging the ability of people with Alzheimer’s disease to live independently at home, and to reducing the associated challenges. Regular memory-boosting exercises help strengthen neuronal connections and maintain optimal cognitive function. Maintaining your memory helps you retain essential information for everyday activities, which can reduce confusion and boost self-confidence. Appropriate training can also slow the progression of disease-related symptoms, enabling better management of daily routines. By investing in memory training strategies, Alzheimer’s sufferers can improve their quality of life, maintain a degree of independence and prolong their ability to stay at home, surrounded by the familiar environment that provides valuable emotional support. So it’s important to find adapted games for the elderly, as in the case of SCARLETT, a program of adapted games for Alzheimer’s sufferers.



The judicious use of technology helps to compensate for some of the deficits associated with Alzheimer’s disease, while offering an additional level of security and support. The integration of intelligent devices is aligned with a holistic approach to designing an environment that meets the changing needs of the person with the disease and facilitates daily life.

Scarlett, memory games for seniors with dementia

scarlett for seniors with dementia

Supporting someone with Alzheimer’s with the Scarlett program

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