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Our tips on how to make screen time sensible for children

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The advancement of technology has brought multiple devices into existence. Tablets are tools widely used in many fields: educational, social or industrial. They are designed for everyone, from the oldest to the youngest. In the particular case of the smallest, tablets have many advantages. To take advantage of them, it is important to follow our advice on how to use them.

Indeed, Excessive and passive use of screens in early childhood is detrimental to brain development.

Follow our recommendations for use! They vary according to the age of your child.



Recommandations on the use of monitors for children



Many countries have taken strong measures to ensure the proper use of tablets by children.   

User tips in the US


For the American Academy of Pediatrics , children’s exposure to screens depends on whether or not parents choose to introduce their babies to this technology.


  • The selected programs must be of high quality,
  • It is strongly recommended that the child be accompanied by an adult so that he or she can best understand the on-screen images,
  • Activities such as outdoor games and walks should not be neglected in favour of the tablet games. Indeed, good planning is essential to enable children to engage in both activities.


Here are the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics based on age:



Thetablet is an excellent educational tool for children. Many programs are available to work on attention and focus from an early age.


Direction for use in Canada

In Canada, health authorities have made the following recommendations:

  • Before they reach 24 months of age, children should not be exposed to screens such as tablets and computers,
  • From 2 to 4 years old, children should not be exposed to the screens for more than one hour a day,
  • For children 4 years old and older, exposure to screens should be limited to a maximum of 90 minutes,
  • From 5 to 11 years old, children should limit their exposure time to screens to 2 hours per day.


Monitors’ screen: setting the rules

Screens will not just disappear from children’s lives, so we might as well accompany them in this process, by choosing the right applications and games, but also by setting the rules.

The educational games program Coco allows children from 5 to 10 years old the possibility to use the tool thanks to an interface designed to help children get to grips with the tool!

The Coco educational game app is an integral part of the children’s world, it is straightforward and intuitive. It improves concentration while promoting children’s autonomy thanks to 18 games available.



Parents must be careful that they do not see the use of the tablet as a “refuge” solution to occupy their children, nor easily give in to their children’s demands. Use of the tablet should be an occasional reward. Here’s a game you can play with your children, to make them understand that the tablet is not a solution to everything and that they must first develop differently, and have checked off all the boxes on their daily to-do list.



Tablets: precautions to take


Tablets are a distraction for all of us. Here are our tablet usage recommendations:


  • Download and install helpful applications that help cognitive development,
  • Ensure that downloaded apps are in accordance with positive moral values and build a good cohesion between the children,
  • Do not use these devices at all times and expand your activities,
  • Avoid using the screens during meals,
  • Lower the brightness of the tablet so that it does not interfere with your child’s sleep,
  • Turn off the tablet when not in use to conserve battery power.