DYNSEO, an innovative start-up
DYNSEO has had the pleasure of receiving numerous awards and support since its launch in April 2013, which has enabled us to grow rapidly while being supported. Today, we’re proud to be the innovative start-up we’ve become thanks to you. Thank you very much.

The e-health trophies, in the M-HEALTH categorycategory, in July 2013 at the Université d’été in Castres.

The support from the Ile de France Region and Cap Digitalto develop E-motions music therapy tools and a caregiver social network.

The Woman Entrepreneur Award, presented on January 29, 2014 by the association Parrainer la Croissance, in the “Products and Services” category, with the mention Croissance.

The support from BPI Franceto develop a battery of Alzheimer’s early detection tests on a touch-screen tablet.

Selection as finalist for the European App Cup organized by Microsoft in March 2014.

the Prix for solidarity at the Total Edhec Entreprendrecompetition in April 2014.

the selection by the Ile de France region and Cap Digital to develop the E-Souvenirs application.

Finalist in the Pulse Contest by HUAWEI and La Cuisine du Web .

The coup de coeur du jury aux HID Bien Vieillir .

The 3rd place in the Bouygues Telecom Challenge Start-up competition andand the Coup de Coeur prize.

The Scientipôle Initiative awardin January 2015.

The award Hype Awards 2gethers organized by Digischool en May 2015.

Le Business France “Coup de coeur” award June 2015, at the international Silver Economy meetings.

Visit Hospital of Tomorrow Trophy in the “Therapeutic Education” category in May 2016.

The award Silver Economy – Heroes of our timeorganized by Notre temps in October 2017.

Silvestre Prize from the Médéric Alzheimer Foundation in June 2018.

1st prize in the Autonomy Hackathon organized by the Hauts de Seine department in June 2018 with the Culture and well-being box

Scarlett nominated for the Seniorhomes awards organized to determine the best applications for senior citizens.

Award in January 2021 for Annelies applications .

Coco receives Apple label for educational applications.

Dynseo, winner of the “Lab e-santé” call for projects.

Grand Prix Innovation #Cognitive Sciences.
let’s get started today
DYNSEO, and your brain goes into overdrive!