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10 myths about the human brain you didn’t know

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The brain is an incredible muscle, however there are many things we do not know, and what we do know is not always accurate. You want to know more about this big brain of yours? Here are 10 myths about your brain that will surprise you!


1. We only use 10% of our brain’s capacities

The first myth is something you have probably heard before: as a thinking being, we humans only use 10% of our brain’s capacities. The number is not really accurate, but even if its not 10, but 5 or 20, what is important to notice is that we do not use all of what our brain can do in our everyday live. And that is because we do not always use the same areas of our brain, and most often we do not use them at the same time.


2. We have a right brain and left brain, and one of them is more predominant than the other

Every human has “two brains”: a right brain and a left brain. This means that depending on the activities we are performing one or the other is going to be more stimulated. Scientists call this argument the neuromyth, and some also say that the left brain is commonly more developed than the right brain.


3. Women’s brains do not work the same way as men’s brains

We often hear that men and women do not think the same way. And that is one myth that is false: since all brains are made the same way, women and men think the same way. Women can be as good at maths as men, for example, it just a question of how the brain is used by everyone.


4. The brain cannot be altered, even with training

That myth again is false: as we said before, the brain is a muscle, and all muscles with work and training can get better and stronger. Indeed, motivation is all you need to change your brain, and it may not come easily but as the saying goes “Practice makes perfect”.


5. We can do anything with our brains thanks to neuroplasticity

It should be noted that the brain is a dynamic and plastic muscle, but it is also very sensitive to the activities we choose to perform. Each brain is different than that of another person, which means that some activities performed by two different people will not necessarily stimulate the same areas of the brain. It really depends on what the person likes and does not like.


6. The size matters

Some people are convinced that the level of intelligence of a person is connected to the size and volume of their brain. Once again, it is NOT true! However, research show that the size and volume of the brain does not necessarily correlates with a person’s intelligence. It is a preconceived idea that we should forget.


7. The brain starts to decline after 20 years

We all know that with age the brain begins to decline: some people start to lose their short-term or long-term memory; some others can no longer perform some tasks that used to be simple… But these side-effects of aging should not come before 60 years old. Indeed, if you are in your twenties, even if your brain is not developing as much as in your teen years, it does not mean it is decline either.


8. Cholesterol is bad for the brain

Even if every doctor say cholesterol can sometimes cause severe strokes, it is important to know that cholesterol is not always bad for your brain. In certain cases, it can even be essential to the good functioning of the brain. However, just like chocolate, eat it parsimoniously.


9. Brain games make you smarter

That much is not always true. Of course, brain training can be used as a way to treat and fight against cognitive disorders, but it does not necessarily make you smarter. However, it does preserve the brain and help it stay in shape.


10. Classical music stimulates the brain

Just like brain training, listening to classical music does and will not make your children smarter. Moreover, even if studies have shown that listening to Mozart allowed students to do better in their exams, they’ve also proven that it was not a log-term effect.


You now know more about your brain, about how it works and have given up some of the preconceived ideas you had about the brain.