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Hypnosis: benefits and practices

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In recent years, thanks to its glorious success in medicine,hypnosis is now considered in most health care settings as a true therapeutic discipline. It is the source of many benefits and in practice it can treat certain disorders such as sleep disorders or pain.

Hypnosis allows you to find new personal resources to face a particular situation and adopt new behaviors more adapted to your objective.

Its fields of application are therefore very vast and show effective results in many patients.

An article from Medoucine.com shows that there are several types of hypnosis and that this technique can be used in many situations.

Hypnosis for better sleep

Hypnosis has been taking more and more place in the medical field for some time now. Proud of its numerous therapeutic virtues, it tackles ailments that have long remained unexplored due to their complexity. Thus, hypnosis is proving to be very effective in fighting insomnia and improving the sleep experience.

hypnosis alternative medicine health professional

Thehypnosis session for sleep disorders begins with a meeting with the therapist. The objective is to identify the cause of the sleep disorder, as each cause is treated differently. Once this step is completed, the therapist will proceed to the actual session, the first step is to bring about total relaxation of the body (muscle and spirit).

To do this, you need to clear your mind by not thinking about anything, the most important thing to achieve this easily is to create a feeling of well-being with your environment. The purpose ofhypnosis is to find the cure for the evil that bothers you, therefore you must be or at least try to be in harmony with yourself.

After each session (about 40 minutes), the therapist makes a summary with the patient to know the level of progress and propose new solutions. According to one study, between 50 and 85% of patients feel an improvement after the first session, after a few sessions the changes are significant although they depend on the level of discomfort.


Hypnosis against pain

As explained above,hypnosis is meant to give you the weapons of your recovery. A hypnosis session therefore has two objectives, the first is to know the cause of the pain, the second is to find the weapons that will allow you to cure your pain.

Pain problems are obvious examples of this particularity ofhypnosis since no medication will be administered. Generally, these hypnotic treatments are done in three steps:

  • Induction : it is a
    hypnotic technique
    It consists in using a moving object to bring the patient back to a state of latent consciousness.
  • Dissociation – confusion: the objective is to limit the patient’s sensation, he loses tactile, auditory and visual sensitivity, becomes immobile and stiff.
  • The opening: here, the therapist will enter in relation with the body of the patient to heal him, he will propose thanks to well adapted metaphors of the psychic states related to the relief to heal the patient.

That said, these sessions must be done before the pain becomes chronic, as chronic pain would not allow the patient to go through these different stages. Although theeffectiveness of hypnosis for pain is clinically recognized, there is still much work to be done to make it scientifically effective.


Hypnosis to better manage stress

The anticipation of certain events or situations can lead to stress reactions, the goal of hypnosis is to address the causes of stress by exploring the unconscious. It also helps to reduce stress because it acts on the perception of stressful situations and induces a great relaxation.

hypnosis health professional alternative medicine

A BVA survey on a sample of 1030 people showed that one French person out of 5 claims to be stressed most of the time.

This symptom appears when an individual mentally anticipates the negative consequences of a situation or action.

Stress can quickly make life unbearable: anxiety, sleep disorders, back problems… In some cases, they can be reduced with medication and psychotherapy.

In conclusion, hypnosis is a rich practice that allows to fight effectively against daily evils. The unconscious naturally does the work of fighting against the disorders.

Hypnosis will help you relax and sleep more peacefully. Sleeping well is a very important factor if we want to stay healthy. You also need to eat well, train your body, and train your brain.

You haven’t tried it yet? Be curious, try it!


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There are many ways to exercise your memory and cognitive functions. Daily practice of brain exercises reduces the risk of neurological disorders, as some programs act on all cognitive functions.

The JOE Brain Training program was designed specifically for adults to keep the brain healthy through fun and challenging brain exercises. It has over 30 cognitive games and targets concentration, focus, reflexes, language and many other cognitive functions.

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