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Some suitable solutions to delevop your child’s language

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Naturally, children should be able to communicate and gain a minimum of knowledge before pre-school. The child should be able to understand most of things you tell him so that learning in school is not too difficult. You can help him to develop his language through simple means. Let’s make a point!

Understand the language development in the child

It is necessary for children to gain certain skills before taking the path of school. Helping the child to develop his language should be the parent’s priority. A « good language » between the ages of 4 and 5 years old is  to have a vocabulary of 2 000 words. Some children at this age have already  stored more than that. The chils should also have the ability to describe and give the usefulness of objects which are in his environment.

At this age, your child should be able to put words together to make sentences of 5 or 6 words. He should be able to say complex sentences and communicate with everyone else. For example, a child who does not have any language disorder, in this age range, can tell a story. He can also ask questions and understand complex concepts or instructions.


The stages of language

Before introducing the main stages of language development in children, it is important to remind that every child is different. These stages are approximate and every child grows up at his own pace. If your child is late, don’t worry! You can support him with our tips or, if you want to be sure, you can ask for advice to your pediatrician or to a speech therapist.

  • 3-6 months : at this age, the child begins to gurgle. He does it to interact with the environment and his family. For example, if you grimace, he can reply with gurgling.
  • 7-10 months : the child begins to babble. This stage is fundamental for the language because the child begins to give meaning to words and to associate them to objects or events. It is at this age that the child lays the foundations for the development of his understanding.
  • 12 months : the first words come. The child still communicates mainly with gestures, but he begins to use words, too. These words often refer to the family context : mum, dad, yes, no…
  • 16-19 months : the child communicates with what is called « two word phrases ». The child begins to associate two words to express his tought or his needs. His vocabulary contains 7-20 words.
  • 24 months : the child’s vocabulary widens to reach 50 words used and 300 words understood. Sentences consist of three words, so they are more complex.
  • 30 months : from 30 months, we can say that the child has gained language even if it is still simple. Sentences are however more complex and the vocabulary is big. Every day, the child learns new words and uses the language better and better.

How to stimulate language

To stimulate language, it is important to understand its goal.

Language has a function of interaction and expression.

When the child is small, he uses language to interact with the environment, he gurgles or babbles because these sounds produce an effect in their entourage.                                                          When a child produces a sound, we tend to turn to him and reply with words or other sounds. In this case, you can play swap games with the children, such as the peekaboo game. You can also grimace and wait for the child’s reaction. Do not take up all the space of the dialogue, but give to the child time to make sounds in reply.

Then, the child begins to use the language to express his desires and needs. He uses mainly words which are related to his entourage. It is important to tell him the name of all objects, you can also use books with images and ask him to search for precise images or to name them.

Finally, the child will use language to talk with everyone else. You can create stories in the games, ask him about his day or even make some activies of daily life with him.

To stimulate the child language, you must make him want to talk. Give him time to express without anticipate his demands or needs, ask him some questions and make diversified activities with him to stimulate his curiosity.

Reading to develop language

The benefits of reading are acknowledged by educational specialists. What is often difficult for parents is to bring their children to love reading. You can regularly read some stories with your child at home. Think about stories where there are some problems to solve. You can also tell jokes to the child. The introduction of reading as a routine in his daily life is a good idea. Reading encourages the language development and awakens the interest in writing.

Be careful to choose book which are adapted to the child’s age. During reading, ask him questions or describe images together. If the child is small and you read a rhyming book which he knows well, you can try to not to say the last syllable or the last word to see if the child says the missing word.

Reading is a very useful activity for children. It allows to develop comprehension, reading, language, imagination and sharing.

Speech therapy to develop language

The speech therapist is the expert who deals with children and takes charge of children who suffer from disorders of oral and written communication. If a 3-year-old child is not able to recognize objects, parents can think about bringing their child to a speech therapist. Make an appointment with a speech therapist also if the child at the age of 4 has some difficulties to answer questions and he repeat them. Or even if he makes comments which make no sense. Even at the age of 5, if he is not able to make complex sentences. Speech therapy has many advantages for children affected by autistic disorder.

The speech delay is very common and an early monitoring can help the child to recover his gaps. Sometimes, a speech delay can be related to a development disorder. In this case, the monitoring of the speech therapist becomes essential. Speech therapy has many advantages for children affected by autistic disorder.

Speech therapists work mainly with children, but the first contact is always with parents. Don’t worry, they are experts who are used to follow parents in their path. They will be there to accompany you and your children, the main thing is to take the first step.

Games to develop language

Games take part in education and in language development. You can help your child playing with him, proposing games according to his age. You can for example opt for object classes : you can class together animals helping the child to identify them according to their features. For example, children love creating zoos putting animals in the right cages.

There are also some games to learn to build sentences. Other games allow to know the different parties of human body. There are some action cards which enact lovely little animals. A game to learn to extend sentences can be offered to children from 3 to 5 years old.

You can benefit from all these educational games and more with the Coco app of Dynseo! It is a funny mean to progress while having fun. Once installed, Coco does not need internet connection, your child can grow up safely. And for a measured way of using screen, the app automatically blocks every 15 minutes and imposes a sport activity.


In this game the child must create words from syllables. This activity allows to play with the sounds of the words. Using syllables is also an activity which is proposed at school to learn to read and write. So the child can practice at home while having fun.


In this game, the child has to put into the right order the words to reconstruct a proverb. This game is adapted to children a little older because it demands high language skills.

Thanks to this game, you improve the sentence construction and so the possibility to create more complex sentences.

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